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food crisis and biofuel

In 2006, The United States used 14 total percents of its agriculture products for made fuel etanol. At 2010, the number reached up to 30 percents. "It's seems, world must consider again about using biofuel that caused the catch ups height of food materials price and food crisis," said GermanyMinister of Development, Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul.

Combination from all those causes in analysed by World Bank trigger the incrasing of flour price until 181 percents in the last 36 month . As a whole, food price at period in common period has went up till 83 percents.

"Food Price will be fixed high till final 2008. New in 2009 predicted there will be price degradation. Nevertheless, its value will never lower than position at 2004," during analysis World Bank. (BBC/AFP/AP/kim)
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the coz of food crisis

read previous article here

Other causative factor of food crisis is improvement of food product demand by India and China. In India and Chine the social class of hundreds of million people to middle-class in those country boost ups flesh request. China Public's consumption reach the level of 20 kilograms flesh from higher than that each year per people compared to 1985, to more than 50 singks at 2008.

"As a consequence, product of livestock food and food product other growing expensive," mention World Bank

Another coz of increased food price is the stricken of climate change in the world that bothers production. For example, fertility farm in Ukraine has decreased every year because of dry season, deforestation, and climate change.

Australia also experienced of endless dryness last year resulted in the degradation of food commodity production till 60 percents.

Production of China food commodity also downwardses till 10 percents during seven the last years.

The usage of food materials for other also have on increase of price. Currently height of world oil price is overcome with substituting energy with utilization of vegetation fuel (biofuel), like maize and sugar.

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food crisis to incite world war [2]

Strauss-Kahn worries, the advancement development progress in five or 10 last years fall to pieces unremained because social disquiet that can even incite war. "As the same manner as we know, learnt from past experience, various of problems like that often end in war," he said.

"If world want to avoids various of horrible consequences this, prices that continued growing like rocket must be handled,"

IMF predicts global growth will reduce to 3,7 percents in 2008 from 4,9 previous year percents this consequence of year recession estimated in THE UNITED STATES. "There is a going concern risk high inflation consequence the increasing of food price, metal, and energy in these last years ," say Strauss-Kahn.

In analysis of World Bank that published before meeting in Washington by april 2008, price increase happens because some exporter commodity countries like Thailand have lessened their rice exporting till 52 percents last month.

Other causative factor of commodity price is improvement of food product demand by India and China. In India and Chine the social class of hundreds of million people to middle-class in those country boost ups flesh request. China Public's consumption reach the level of 20 kilograms flesh from higher than that each year per people compared to 1985, to more than 50 singks at 2008. "As a consequence, product of livestock food and food product other growing expensive," mention World Bank

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food crisis to incite world war [1]

WASHINGTON - world is being menaced. This time the trigger is not army's conflicts and nuclear fights , but it is the increasing food prices.

Yesterday World Bank and IMF perform special meeting discusses food increased price that has triggered riot in developing country.

Director of International Monetery Fund (IMF) Dominique Strauss-Kahn said, the increasing of food price has generated horrible consequence for world, entered mass riot and war risk. "If Food Price is continuing taking place like this time, its consequence will very hirrify," Strauss-Kahn in mass meeting with media at closing of springtime meeting IMF in Washington.

Warning of Strauss-Kahn actually already happened. At Saturday (13/4), 20.000 workers conduct expensive consequence riot caused by food price and the low fee in Bangladesh. Previously, riot that triggered food struggling also happens in Egypt, Cameroon, Ivory coast, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Philippine, and Indonesia.

Food and Agriculture Organization/FAO note 37 countries experience of food crisis. In developing countries, government is forced to improve subsidy for fundamental needs, or fuel, or lessen agro product exporting.

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what is dexametason ?

Dexametason is an anti-inflammation medicine that considered effective, that can also lessen brain-pain, by stabilizing the cell membrane and avoid the happening of edema intradan ekstraselular.

Dexametason is steroid that is often used as antiedema brain. Although the effectiveness of this steroid can be proved in curing brain edema (neoplasma) in brain, nevertheless its effectiveness in curing edema by infark and hemoragi in brain is still controversial.

Deksametason can be given in start dose 10 mgintravenas or intramuskular, then followed by 5 mgs every 6 hours, during a week and later, then can be stopped in sequence ( tapering off).

Steroid Side effects quite a lot, we must first consider the loss and profit at every case. If existed history stomach probem, dexametason had better shall not given.

adapted from : kalbe online
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the therapy of arrythmia

The basic principle of the therapy is

  1. return the normal heart rhythm (rhythm control),
  2. degrade heartbeat frequency (rate control), and
  3. prevent formed of blood clot.

Therapy very depend on the type aritmia. Some of this troubles needn't therapy. Some other can be treated with drugs. If it is succeed, the coz of aritmia are detected, then there's nothing better than healing or repairing its cause specifically.

Aritmia by it self, can theraphized with several things hereunder;

  1. Drugs. There are some medicine type that available to control aritmia. Medicine Election must be done carefully because they even also have side effects. Among others exactly cause aritimia increases hard. Evaluation was to medicine effectivity can be undergone by inspection EKG (inspection of heart electrics).
  2. Pace maker or race brand heart, an electronic tool that subjugated to chest skin. This Tool may take overs duty natural pace maker we that by a/an because guilty of no its duty properly.
  3. Defibrilasi heart (cardiac defibrillation), electric shocks that is applicable to desist abnormal heart rhythm and return to normal rhythm.
  4. Surgical operation Action can refine aritmia certain type, for example aritmia that caused by coroner heart sickness can be refined by surgical operation bypass surgery. If certain part heart is found as the cause source aritmia, part is referred to be able to be destroyed or wiped out.
  5. Cardioversion, a tool that glued on the wall chest and quickly can return heartbeat regularity. This Tool most often used in emergency situation.

* article by dr. ash epistle burn
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arrythmia - the coz and the type

Arrythmia can happen because of :

  • Forming Trouble stimulates: nodus SA sends electrics impulse with abnormal rhythm or frequency , heartbeat that ought to begin from nodus SA, started from other place in heart.
  • electrics Conduction Trouble, in the shape of resistance or blockade of electrics impulse in heart.
  • Forming Trouble and electrics conduction, or combination of both matters above.

Various types of arrythmia;

  • Atrial fibrillation, heart beats during quick and not regular. This Aritmia requires therapy, specially because this trouble keeps risk the happening of stroke.
  • Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, arise one heart period ticks very fast, but its rhythm has been arranged. Although often bear feeling fear toes its patient, this type of heart rhythm trouble usually is not dangerous.
  • Throb ektopik, heart haves throb extra or addition. Often be not required special therapy, unless addition beat is referred as happened successively or arise at the same time with problem other heart (like wafting heart sickness).
  • Takikardia ventrikel and fibrilasi ventrikel, heart beats during quick and fail blood pump exits heart. This Condition breakneck and must handled at quickly.
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Symptom of aritmia

Previously I've posted about aritmia, and now this posting is still about aritmia, but it is a little bit detail. It is about the symptom of aritmia.

When heart beats unconsecutively, various clinical symptom can emerge like heart palpitate, body is felt fatigue, confused, out of breath, chest pain in bone, sometime till faint.

To comprehend process incidence of heart conduction failure, we must comprehend heart conduction in a state of physiological (normal). Heart is muscular pump that have four rooms.

  • Two rooms are on the top called atria,
  • temporary two rooms in underside called ventrikel.
In course of normal every heartbeat at the threshold in atria right, at one particular place that have special cells that called nodus SA (sino-atrial).

From here electrics impulse will be distribute to both atrium, last continue it-self to nodus AV (atrio-ventricular) that located in elementary right atrium, precise on the right septum interatrial.

Hereinafter, stimulated from nodus AV walk over the net His, then bisect become right branch and left. This Branch later, form of fibre matting that disseminate into second ventrikel. When electrics impulse happened, timbulah contraction of heart muscles. And, the process of blood pumping to all bodies happens. Generally heart beats 60 - 100 times every minute. Read more!

arrythmia - trouble of heart rhythm

Medically it is called aritmia. Commonly translated as trouble of heart rhythm. Its Clinical Form its not only limited to the irregular of heartbeat. Trouble of throb speed and conduction of heart electrics even also getting into its scope.

Many people have been worried when their heart pulse felt factious. This kind of Worriedness really sensible, because this trouble can always be translated as ' the unfine heart activity'. Is it correct some of this troubles emerge without accompanied with structural disease at heart it self?

Aritmia very often happens in them that the heart condition is fine. That means, people had aritmia does not always suffer from heart disease. Don't forget to calculate how many cups of coffee that you imbibe every morning.

How many glass of tea passing your throat, and accompanying snack in your daily. People often forget small things that can influence rhythm and heart frequency, begin at tea, cofee, or beverage have the caffeine of other, alcohol (holiday heart), cigarette, emotional stres, diet medicines, to medicines for flu. Cause the other non-kardiak is hipertiroid.

When production of hormone tiroksin (goitre child) higher than normal value boundary and electrolyte disturbance of equilibrium -- hiperkalemia, hipokalemia, that means level of blood potassium that too high or too low.

Although a large part of arrythmia is not dangerous, among others stem from organic disparity at heart. Problem of kardiak (heart) for example is the trouble of coroner circulation (aterosklerosis or spasme coroner), heart inflamation like rheumatism fever, trouble of heart valve, fail heart kongestif, etc. If aritmia happened in frequence, and generating clinical symptoms, this problem must be immediately consulted to doctor, specially heart sickness expert.

adapted from 'tubuh kita'
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Ever since the II BC, soymilk has been produced in China. From there then the soymilk spread over Japan, and after the second world war, soybean starts recognized in South-East Asia.

Soymilk is considered to be able to substitute milk from cow, because the soymilk having as high protein as cowmilk. Two glasses of soymilk is believed to be able to fulfill protein needs in a day. One advantage consuming soymilk compared with cowmilk is that soymilk has low lactose, thus it's save for digestion and for those who's intollerant with cowmilk.

Generally there are two soymilk packed for sold in markets. The liquid and powder.

The liquid seems to be more largely sold and traded. The soymilk is serveable in it's pure form, with no sugar and taste addition. But for fulfulling public's taste, it is often added by sugar and essence, such as moca, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, etc.

(taken from indomedia)

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fermented soybean

Cake of fermented soybean or wellknown as 'tempe' is quite popular food in Indonesia. The indonesian love it especially caused by it's unique and original taste, its ease of use, as ingredients of a cuisine, or it can even be eaten instanly, only by frying. Besides it cost not that expensive in markets. As the people's cuisine ( makanan rakyat in Indonesia) the tempe is so much ease to find, in traditional markets, the tempe are abundant.

Here is an info of how to make tempe :

Engredients :
1 kg of soybeans, choose the good ones, then soak in water for whole night long. ( 12-24 hours)

Directions :
1. After one night long soaked, throw the soaking water, and wash the soybeans, make sure untill it's obviously clean. It would be better if it's washed in flowing water.
2. Peal the shell.
3. Braise the pealed soybeans into boiling water, cook until fully cooked.
4. Take the soybeans, filter the water from the surface, and wait untill it's really cool.
5. Make sure the soybeans are fully cool, then start the fermentation. 1/2 teaspoon of ferment for 1 kg of soybeans.
6. Wrap the tempe to be, with banana leafs or plastic. Wrap closely and make whole in every 1 cm. Wait about 24 hours.
7. The tempe is ready to serve is the soybeans textures turn soft.

Note :
1. The properties used in the whole proccess must be clean.
2. Teh tempe ferments will stay alive and need O2 and H2O. After 24 hours proccess the fermentation is still processing, and so don't wrap the tempe closely. it will make the tempe rotten coused by overfermentation.
3. Temperature and the humidity must be stabilized, ideally in 25Celcious with humidity of 60-70%.

(source : opensource)
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